---~@ Zaanse Schans @~---
Zaanse Schans, a museum village on the River Zaan, just north of Amsterdam. Salah satu tempat menarik yang patut dikunjungi oleh pelancong. Tempat ni sama mcm Kinderdijk, Rotterdam (Jelin tau tempat ni, kitorang gi sama2. Sorilah Jelin, aku x bawak ko gi sini). Cuma bezanya Kinderdijk banyak kincir angin berbanding kat sini. Tapi, viewnya jauh lebih cantik di sini berbanding Kinderdijk.
Here, u will find Albert Heijn's first grocery shop (kedai runcit kitaorang..), as well as various museums, a clogmaker, a cheese maker and a center for old craft and trades.
Of more than 600 of the original windmills from this area (within a range of 10km along the river), 4 windmills were re-erected and have been preserved. the first mill to be built here was a sawmill (1592), the 'green' mill also known as 'De Kat', a working mustard mill dating from 1786, the black 'Gekroonde Poelen-burg' (1869), an oil 'De Zoeker' and oil mill from 1672.

To the xtreme right is an oil mill, which makes oil out of linseed and peanut. Right next to it is a paint and chalk mill (De Kat). the third is a sawmill and the fourth mill is a mustard mill.

the chalk mill 'De Kat'
Dekat dua tahun dok sini, baru ni smpai, heheheee.. So, here we are..... sori beb! (aku patut bawak ko kesini ari tu..), maybe next time

Peace!! Si kakak (Insyirah) kalau suruh bergaya..on d way ke Zaanse Schans.. Perjalanan dari rumah kitorang (Wateringen) lebih kurang 45 minit. 
First photo sebaik sahaja kaki mencecah daerah ini.. Cuaca memg sejuk. Merah2 hidung si kakak.

Salah satu kilang membuat cheese yang terdapat di sini. Aku & Insyirah dok mengulang makan 'free cheese' tasting. Bila habis je sekeping, anak aku kata, "Ayah, nak cheese lagi..." hahahaaa makan mcm nak bagi kenyang.. dia memg hantu cheese.. mcm aku la..

Antara deretan kedai yang terdapat di sini.. kedai antik, kedai roti.. dsbnya.
the mustard mill

Kat sini ada cruise untuk mengelilingi tasik tapi cuma beroperasi masa musim panas je.. Hmmm nampaknya kena la datang lagi..
P.S. parking first 30 minutes FOC,after that u only have to pay 6 euro perday (mcm 6euro per-entry la..senang cita). worth every penny i tell u..ehhehe
until then
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