---~@ Jom Bowling @~---
i play bowling! and i even join bowling leauge.. heheheh..believe it.
bowling is not one of my favourite sport. but better than nuthing n it is one healthy way to socialize.i dun golf (i know most of my frends play golf)
bowlers in my league ni kira power la jugak. me..aku main bola straight, without any profesioanl training or watsoever. aku tak tau la main bola swing ke, pusing ke, yet. bagi aku, janji strike. tak kisah la apa org kata. janji enjoy!

here is the bowling alley where i play every sunday

eventho most of them are 'otai'..but they are goooood bowlers. u will be surprise on how they cud improvise themself with the bowling ball and become one.
heheheh.."improvise" i've heard tat word a lot nowadays especially in talk shows, news, MTV, celebrities interviews and reality shows. (wat do u xpect..i watched tv a lot..other than staying home..i watch the tele n of coz bowling..heheheh)

the mini bar where u cud order drinks and do some flirting. bowling alley? cmon. but just for the record, i do find one lady bartender<-- (betul ka aku nya istilah..correct me if im wrong) kind of cute. LOL!

huh? laaa...aku terdownload gambar ni 2 kali rupanya..ahahhaha. takpala, tengok je la!

brader baju kuning tu main sekali ngan aku. power! berpeluh ketiak nak kejar point dia. yeah, i know..i cud not possibly played againts him or outmatch him. c the leg la bro...bersilang tu! ahahahha.
p.s. awek (black tight blouse..bukan yg bertudung tu) played next to our lane, shes not playing wit us (our leauge) tho, but i wish she was

we played 5 frame each week. normally first frame suma main lebih kurang. biasalah belum panas. then from 2nd till 4th frame..tu dia. strike memanjang. finally, coming to the 5th game, suma semput...ehhehe.
ada sowang makcik ni..dia baling asyik serong. then one brader ni bagi la nasihat sikit. nak tau apa apa dia jawab?
"i played bowling for 20 years, do not teach me how to bowl"
ehheheh..org mcm ni pun ada. aku tengok tadak la dia main bola skru or pusing..straight macam aku jugak.well, sometimes people do have their own big ego ada duduk dlm dia punya kepala.
ehhehe..korang tengok cita 'seniman bujang lapok' tak? ingat tak scene time satu minachi ni menangis pukul 4 pagi pasal taik? husband dia lakonan Mohd. Zain (silabu dalam cita "silabu labi" & "nasib silabu labi") tgh marah2 bini dia. ingat tak dialog dia...
"dia banyak degil encik...dia punya kapala batu besar ada duduk..dia tak bole dengar saya cakap encik.."
aku tengok cita tu banyak kali pun tak penah boring..

my scores after 5 game.

tengah sibuk kira points. aku nak balik dah ni..esok2 la kira

those two were just arrived with some other of their ladies frends. perasan tak one fellow (orange t-shirt) tengah usha awek 2 org tu? sampai dia tak perasan aku amik gambar..punya la asyik..
nak tau kenapa? tempting cleavage...too much for one man cud handle.

"ok la haji, jumpa minggu depan"

malas betul aku nak drive malam2 ni. almost 30 minutes drive baru sampai umah.
apa lagi, aku layan Elvis..lets Rock n Roll!
The warden threw a party in the county jail.
The prison band was there and they began to wail.
The band was jumpin and the joint began to swing.
You shouldve heard those knocked out jailbirds sing.
Lets rock, everybody, lets rock.
Everybody in the whole cell block
Was dancin to the jailhouse rock.
P.S.tetiba masa separuh jalan nak sampai umah...my heel feel a little bit strange...bowling punya pasal la ni..too much twist!
until then