---~@ jom kopi pok @~---
clerk: "please repeat after me:"I swear by Almighty God...."
witness: "I swear by Almighty God."
clerk: "that the evidence that i give..."
witness: "That's right."
clerk: "Repeat it."
witness: "Repeat it."
clerk: "No! repeat what i said."
witness: "what you said when?"
clerk: "that the evidence that i give..."
witness: "that the evidence that i give."
clerk: "shall be the truth and.."
witness: "it will, and nothing but the truth!"
clerk: "please, just repeat after me:'shall be the truth and..' "
witness: "im not a scholar, you know."
clerk: "we can appreciate that. just repeat after me:'shall be the truth and..'"
witness: "shall be the truth and."
clerk: "say:'nothing..' "
witness: "okay" (witness remains silents)
clerk: "No! dont say nothing. say:'nothing but the truth..' "
witness: "yes"
clerk: "cant you say: 'nothing but the truth?' "
witness: "yes"
clerk: "well? do so"
witness: "you're confusing me"
clerk: "just say: 'nothing but the truth' "
witness: "is that all?"
clerk: "yes"
witness: "Okay. i understand"
clerk: "then say it"
witness: "what?"
clerk: " nothing but the truth.."
witness: "but i do! that's just it"
clerk: "you must say: 'nothing but the truth.' "
witness: "I WILL say nothing but the truth!"
clerk: "please, just repeat these four words: 'Nothing. 'But.' 'The.' 'Truth.' "
witness: "what? you mean, like, now?"
clerk: "Yes! Now, please. just say those four words"
witness: "Nothing. But. The. Truth."
clerk: "thank you"
witness: "im just not a scholar"

P.S.true life and actual said in court, and recorded word by word ~from uncle john's supremely satisfying bathroom reader
P.S.S the cartoon? doesnt it look obvious? it also sometimes a real life experience, and recorded frame by frame.
until then