Being a parent really is some adventure that I would reckon a hell of a journey. A journey that will last forever (a nice one of coz). In the beginning I never thought one day I would be a father. Well, I did after 27 rains (an old African term for years) breathing. Being a parent cause you a lot of patience and huge responsibilities, also tiring I might say.
5 years back, after almost 2 years of engagement, I told my wife, Yatie, that I did not want a child within the first two years of our marriage. Hehehe...what do you think? I don want to start a family yet, no sir. Not just yet though. It is not I don't want to, I just feel it is not the right time yet, you be a father.
Anyway, during the first year of marriage we were still in honeymoon state of mind, and of coz I always away for works. You can call it a 'monthly' husband, more or less like a month working and a week holiday, then its start all over again. Well, it was quite unusual life for me and also my newly wedded wife..but apa nak buat..
The second year our marriage life were no different as the first year. Until May the same year, after more than eighteen months of suffering and quite some ding dong ding dong if i may so...I had switched my job which were more 'in house' husband like most other normal husband do.
During this stage, me and my wife thought this is the perfect timing for us to have a baby. And we did. January 2004, she was pregnant with my first child. And in October 2004, my daughter was born and I named her Nur Insyirah Irdina (quite a long name). Initially, we would like to name her Nurul Iman. But that one a different story...
Cut long short, April the following year, I received an offer to work in Sudan, Africa. Doesn't took long before I accepted the job offer. The cycle of me being 'a monthly' husband start all over again but this time a little bit longer, 4 months! And 2 weeks off. (Boleh ke beb, kalau lu orang??..)
Cut long short again, now after 2 years and a month and 9 days, I will be a father again! Yup, my second child will be due in June 4th 2007.
First glimpse of my new companion

Was that your spine?

A miracle
A new life precious and small
A joy to hug and hold
A developing spirit to mold
A beautiful sight to see
A priceless part of me
A special kind of love
An angel from above